I have already seen many interesting things in Zambia such as giant, 6 inch long snails, grass being cut with machetes, and a man selling bunnies on a street corner. But this weekend, I saw a sight I never could have expected to see in Zambia... a truckload of Canadian nurses.

Apparently, the University of Vancouver sends a team of nurses to Zambia each year to get hands on medical experience. They partner with a non-profit here in Zambia that is run by a few Canadian ladies that have become friends with Dustin and Vaughn. (Their friendship was birthed from a spontaneous mud-fight several years ago. Go figure.) Anyway, we invited these ladies and their freshly arrived team to join us for a Braai (BBQ). So Vaughn and I headed into Lusaka and picked up 17 Canadian nurses in the back of a truck and drove them out to the farm where we live. We had a great time playing games, having a sand (dirt) volleyball competition, eating, and dancing. The 17 nurses stayed the night, cramming into the living room and the 2 spare bedrooms. We all had a great time, and it just goes to show that you can never know what a weekend in Zambia will bring.
I met a nurse from Canada once.