Monday, April 18, 2011

Lusaka to Livingstone

I intended to post last week, but my internet connection decided otherwise.  So I need to catch you up on a few things.  Dustin’s girlfriend, Lauren Fulmer, is now here in Zambia and will be staying for 2 months.  So far, she has been spending most of her time teaching at a nearby school, practicing her Zambian accent and conquering her fear of large bugs.  It has been fun to have her around.  The other big event is that last week, Dustin, Vaughn, Lauren, and I went to Livingstone, the home of Victoria Falls.  But we didn’t drive there.  No... that would have been too easy.  Instead, we joined up with some insane cyclists that were passing through Lusaka.  These cyclists are in the middle of a 4 month bicycle race/tour called Tour D’Afrique which goes from Cairo (Egypt) to Capetown (South Africa).  We decided to do our own abbreviated version of the tour and join them from Lusaka to Livingstone.  We rode about 500km (315 miles) over the course of 3 days.  We slept in tents, met all sorts of interesting people on the tour, and cycled until we could cycle no more.  To be honest, we didn’t all cycle the full 500km to Livingstone.  We had a truck with us and took shifts driving/riding in the truck.  But I did manage to ride my bike 183 km (approx 115 miles) in one day (and I was on a mountainbike that only had 3 gears working).  In fact, I think Lauren, Dustin, Vaughn, and I all reached new levels in our cycling careers in some way or another.  When we finally reached Livingstone, we met up with Dustin’s parents (my uncle Marc and aunt Marsha) at the airport.  They had flown in all the way from San Diego and were probably as exhausted as we were.  Thankfully, Marc and Marsha had organized a place for us to stay that was the epitome of relaxation- The Islands of Siankaba.  This resort was built on several islands in middle of the Zambezi River just upstream of Victoria Falls.  We spent 2 nights there enjoying amazing meals, sunset cruises, and bubble baths.  And on top of all that, Marc and Marsha paid for us all to go on a tour and an ultralight (small airplane) flyover of the Falls.  It was unbelievable!
Lauren cruising over Vic Falls
Yesterday, we arrived back in Lusaka.  And now Marc and Marsha are getting introduced to all the changes that have taken place since they were last here 2 years ago.  On Thursday, we will all head to Capetown for several days and then Marc and Marsha head back to the states.  I will be sure to post when we return!
My cousin Dustin and his parents, Marsha and Marc

1 comment:

  1. Ok, I think you've had enough fun now. It's time for you to come back home.
