Thursday, July 14, 2011

I Am Going To Miss You, Zambia

My time here in Zambia has come to an end.  In a few hours I will board a plane to fly back to the States.  These last few days have been full of goodbyes.  But I am not leaving all of Zambia behind.  I am bringing some of it home with me... Whether in the form of a bamboo bicycle frame, N’Shima cravings, bow hunting skills, new friendships, or unforgettable experiences...  Zambia and Zambikes has left a mark on my life.  I will no doubt always find my heart tied to this place and the work being done here.
I am excited to return home and see my family and friends, but I am certain that there will be some adjusting upon my return.  After all, I have spent a majority of the last 6 months being a minority, driving on the left side of the road, and eating with my hands.  (FYI- You may not want to ride in a car with me for the first week I am back.)
The last 6 months have been quite an adventure, and I want to thank all of you who joined me for the ride.  I hope you enjoyed reading my account of our experiences and seeing Zambia through my eyes.  It was a pleasure to be able to share it with you all.  So... Until next time...

May you and your goat travel safe.

Andrew Zarda

Yes... This is a real photo and that is a real goat.
Taken in Kabwe,  Zambia.

1 comment:

  1. I was in the same boat a couple months ago with driving on the opposite side of the road. Very good to warn people 'cause it is an adjustment to remember on roads that aren't clearly marked with not much traffic. It is good to be back and I know it will be good for you to be back too!
