Thursday, June 2, 2011


To whom it may concern:

My face has been booked. 

I have long resisted having a facebook account, not because I am anti-facebook, but because I am anti “checking facebook.”  I had a facebook for a semester in college and it went well until I logged on after a whole summer of no use and found that I had been invited to many events that I never knew about, had several dozen messages that needed reply, and had been bit by hundreds of zombies and vampires.  Naturally, I deactivated my account.  So if people wanted to talk to me or invite me to something or find out “about me,” they would have to communicate with me outside the realm of facebook.  This is still my preference.  Nonetheless, my account has now been reactivated for the primary purpose of helping maintain international relations (primarily for when I return to the states).


1 comment:

  1. Well good for you!! You should use FB, Mr. Zarda, to build support for your endeavors, keep in touch and letting all your fans know of your escapades as well!!! We love Andrew... and enquiring minds want to know!!!

    Love ya and trust you are seeing much fruit. You're a true Prince amoungst men and I expect nothing but wisdom, victory and favor to be evident in every area of your life!
